Source code for copr.v3.proxies.project

from __future__ import absolute_import

import warnings

from . import BaseProxy
from ..requests import munchify, POST, GET, PUT
from ..helpers import for_all_methods, bind_proxy

def _compat_use_bootstrap_container(data, value):
    if value is None:
    data["bootstrap"] = "on" if value else "off"
    warnings.warn("The 'use_bootstrap_container' argument is obsoleted by "
                  "'bootstrap' and 'bootstrap_image'")

[docs] @for_all_methods(bind_proxy) class ProjectProxy(BaseProxy):
[docs] def get(self, ownername, projectname): """ Return a project :param str ownername: :param str projectname: :return: Munch """ endpoint = "/project" params = { "ownername": ownername, "projectname": projectname, } response = self.request.send(endpoint=endpoint, params=params) return munchify(response)
[docs] def get_list(self, ownername=None, pagination=None): """ Return a list of projects :param str ownername: :param pagination: :return: Munch """ endpoint = "/project/list" params = { "ownername": ownername, } params.update(pagination or {}) response = self.request.send(endpoint=endpoint, params=params) return munchify(response)
[docs] def search(self, query, pagination=None): """ Return a list of projects based on fulltext search :param str query: :param pagination: :return: Munch """ endpoint = "/project/search" params = { "query": query, } params.update(pagination or {}) response = self.request.send(endpoint=endpoint, params=params) return munchify(response)
[docs] def add(self, ownername, projectname, chroots, description=None, instructions=None, homepage=None, contact=None, additional_repos=None, unlisted_on_hp=False, enable_net=False, persistent=False, auto_prune=True, use_bootstrap_container=None, devel_mode=False, delete_after_days=None, multilib=False, module_hotfixes=False, bootstrap=None, bootstrap_image=None, isolation=None, follow_fedora_branching=True, fedora_review=None, appstream=False, runtime_dependencies=None, packit_forge_projects_allowed=None, repo_priority=None, exist_ok=False): """ Create a project :param str ownername: :param str projectname: :param list chroots: :param str description: :param str instructions: :param str homepage: :param str contact: :param list additional_repos: :param bool unlisted_on_hp: project will not be shown on Copr homepage :param bool enable_net: if builder can access net for builds in this project :param bool persistent: if builds and the project are undeletable :param bool auto_prune: if backend auto-deletion script should be run for the project :param bool use_bootstrap_container: obsoleted, use the 'bootstrap' argument and/or the 'bootstrap_image'. :param bool devel_mode: if createrepo should run automatically :param int delete_after_days: delete the project after the specfied period of time :param bool module_hotfixes: allow packages from this project to override packages from active module streams. :param str bootstrap: Mock bootstrap feature setup. Possible values are 'default', 'on', 'off', 'image'. :param str bootstrap_image: Name of the container image to initialize the bootstrap chroot from. This also implies 'bootstrap=image'. This is a noop parameter and its value is ignored. :param str isolation: Mock isolation feature setup. Possible values are 'default', 'simple', 'nspawn'. :param bool follow_fedora_branching: If newly branched chroots should be automatically enabled and populated :param bool fedora_review: Run fedora-review tool for packages in this project :param bool appstream: Disable or enable generating the appstream metadata :param string runtime_dependencies: List of external repositories (== dependencies, specified as baseurls) that will be automatically enabled together with this project repository. :param list packit_forge_projects_allowed: List of forge projects that will be allowed to build in the project via Packit :return: Munch """ endpoint = "/project/add/{ownername}" params = { "ownername": ownername, "exist_ok": exist_ok, } data = { "name": projectname, "chroots": chroots, "description": description, "instructions": instructions, "homepage": homepage, "contact": contact, "additional_repos": additional_repos, "unlisted_on_hp": unlisted_on_hp, "enable_net": enable_net, "persistent": persistent, "auto_prune": auto_prune, "bootstrap": bootstrap, "bootstrap_image": bootstrap_image, "isolation": isolation, "follow_fedora_branching": follow_fedora_branching, "devel_mode": devel_mode, "delete_after_days": delete_after_days, "multilib": multilib, "module_hotfixes": module_hotfixes, "fedora_review": fedora_review, "appstream": appstream, "runtime_dependencies": runtime_dependencies, "packit_forge_projects_allowed": packit_forge_projects_allowed, "repo_priority": repo_priority, } _compat_use_bootstrap_container(data, use_bootstrap_container) response = self.request.send( endpoint=endpoint, method=POST, params=params, data=data, auth=self.auth, ) return munchify(response)
[docs] def edit(self, ownername, projectname, chroots=None, description=None, instructions=None, homepage=None, contact=None, additional_repos=None, unlisted_on_hp=None, enable_net=None, auto_prune=None, use_bootstrap_container=None, devel_mode=None, delete_after_days=None, multilib=None, module_hotfixes=None, bootstrap=None, bootstrap_image=None, isolation=None, follow_fedora_branching=None, fedora_review=None, appstream=None, runtime_dependencies=None, packit_forge_projects_allowed=None, repo_priority=None): """ Edit a project :param str ownername: :param str projectname: :param list chroots: :param str description: :param str instructions: :param str homepage: :param str contact: :param list repos: :param bool unlisted_on_hp: project will not be shown on Copr homepage :param bool enable_net: if builder can access net for builds in this project :param bool auto_prune: if backend auto-deletion script should be run for the project :param bool use_bootstrap_container: obsoleted, use the 'bootstrap' argument and/or the 'bootstrap_image'. :param bool devel_mode: if createrepo should run automatically :param int delete_after_days: delete the project after the specfied period of time :param bool module_hotfixes: allow packages from this project to override packages from active module streams. :param str bootstrap: Mock bootstrap feature setup. Possible values are 'default', 'on', 'off', 'image'. :param str isolation: Mock isolation feature setup. Possible values are 'default', 'simple', 'nspawn'. :param bool follow_fedora_branching: If newly branched chroots should be automatically enabled and populated. :param str bootstrap_image: Name of the container image to initialize the bootstrap chroot from. This also implies 'bootstrap=image'. This is a noop parameter and its value is ignored. :param bool fedora_review: Run fedora-review tool for packages in this project :param bool appstream: Disable or enable generating the appstream metadata :param string runtime_dependencies: List of external repositories (== dependencies, specified as baseurls) that will be automatically enabled together with this project repository. :param list packit_forge_projects_allowed: List of forge projects that will be allowed to build in the project via Packit :return: Munch """ endpoint = "/project/edit/{ownername}/{projectname}" params = { "ownername": ownername, "projectname": projectname, } data = { "chroots": chroots, "description": description, "instructions": instructions, "homepage": homepage, "contact": contact, "repos": additional_repos, "unlisted_on_hp": unlisted_on_hp, "enable_net": enable_net, "auto_prune": auto_prune, "bootstrap": bootstrap, "isolation": isolation, "follow_fedora_branching": follow_fedora_branching, "bootstrap_image": bootstrap_image, "devel_mode": devel_mode, "delete_after_days": delete_after_days, "multilib": multilib, "module_hotfixes": module_hotfixes, "fedora_review": fedora_review, "appstream": appstream, "runtime_dependencies": runtime_dependencies, "packit_forge_projects_allowed": packit_forge_projects_allowed, "repo_priority": repo_priority, } _compat_use_bootstrap_container(data, use_bootstrap_container) response = self.request.send( endpoint=endpoint, method=POST, params=params, data=data, auth=self.auth, ) return munchify(response)
[docs] def delete(self, ownername, projectname): """ Delete a project :param str ownername: :param str projectname: :return: Munch """ endpoint = "/project/delete/{ownername}/{projectname}" params = { "ownername": ownername, "projectname": projectname, } data = { "verify": True, } response = self.request.send( endpoint=endpoint, method=POST, params=params, data=data, auth=self.auth, ) return munchify(response)
[docs] def fork(self, ownername, projectname, dstownername, dstprojectname, confirm=False): """ Fork a project :param str ownername: owner of a source project :param str projectname: name of a source project :param str dstownername: owner of a destination project :param str dstprojectname: name of a destination project :param bool confirm: if forking into a existing project, this needs to be set to True, to confirm that user is aware of that :return: Munch """ endpoint = "/project/fork/{ownername}/{projectname}" params = { "ownername": ownername, "projectname": projectname, } data = { "name": dstprojectname, "ownername": dstownername, "confirm": confirm, } response = self.request.send( endpoint=endpoint, method=POST, params=params, data=data, auth=self.auth, ) return munchify(response)
[docs] def can_build_in(self, who, ownername, projectname): """ Return `True` a user can submit builds for a ownername/projectname :param str who: name of the user checking their permissions :param str ownername: owner of the project :param str projectname: name of the project :return Bool: `True` or raise """ endpoint = ("/project/permissions/can_build_in/" "{who}/{ownername}/{projectname}/") params = { "who": who, "ownername": ownername, "projectname": projectname, } response = self.request.send( endpoint=endpoint, params=params, auth=self.auth ) return munchify(response).can_build_in
[docs] def get_permissions(self, ownername, projectname): """ Get project permissions :param str ownername: owner of the project :param str projectname: name of the project :return Munch: a dictionary in format ``{username: {permission: state, ... }, ...}`` where ``username`` identifies an existing copr user, ``permission`` is one of ``admin|builder`` and state is one of ``nothing|approved|request``. """ endpoint = "/project/permissions/get/{ownername}/{projectname}/" params = { "ownername": ownername, "projectname": projectname, } response = self.request.send( endpoint=endpoint, params=params, auth=self.auth) return munchify(response)
[docs] def set_permissions(self, ownername, projectname, permissions): """ Set (or change) permissions for a project :param str ownername: owner of the updated project :param str projectname: name of the updated project :param dict permissions: the expected format is ``{username: {permission: state, ...}, ...}`` where ``username`` identifies an existing copr user, ``permission`` is one of ``builder|admin`` and ``state`` value is one of ``nothing|request|approved``. It is OK to set only ``bulider`` or only ``admin`` permission; any unspecified ``permission`` is then (a) set to ``nothing`` (if the permission entry is newly created), or (b) kept unchanged (if an existing permission entry is edited). If more than one ``username`` is specified in single ``set_permissions()`` request, the approach is to configure *all-or-nothing* (any error makes the whole operation fail and no-op). """ endpoint = "/project/permissions/set/{ownername}/{projectname}/" params = { "ownername": ownername, "projectname": projectname, } self.request.send( endpoint=endpoint, method=PUT, params=params, data=permissions, auth=self.auth, )
[docs] def request_permissions(self, ownername, projectname, permissions): """ Request/cancel request/drop your permissions on project :param str ownername: owner of the requested project :param str projectname: name of the requested project :param dict permissions: the desired permissions user wants to have on the requested copr project. The format is ``{permission: bool, ...}``, where ``permission`` is one of ``builder|admin`` and ``bool`` is (a) ``True`` for *requesting* the role or (b) ``False`` for *dropping* the role (or for *cancelling* of previous request). """ endpoint = "/project/permissions/request/{ownername}/{projectname}/" params = { "ownername": ownername, "projectname": projectname, } self.request.send( endpoint=endpoint, method=PUT, params=params, data=permissions, auth=self.auth, )
[docs] def regenerate_repos(self, ownername, projectname): """ Regenerate repositories for a project :param str ownername: owner of the project to regenerate :param str projectname: name of the project to regenerate """ endpoint = "/project/regenerate-repos/{ownername}/{projectname}" params = { "ownername": ownername, "projectname": projectname } response = self.request.send( endpoint=endpoint, method=PUT, params=params, auth=self.auth) return munchify(response)