.. warning:: Client version 2 is obsolete, please use Client version 3 instead. .. _`mock-chroot-info`: Mock chroot =========== Mock chroot resources represents available chroots for builds. API provides only read-only access, since configuration of the build chroots is done by the service administrator. Access to the mock chroots is done through :py:meth:`~copr.client_v2.client.CoprClient.mock_chroots`. property of initialized :py:class:`~copr.client_v2.client.CoprClient`. That property is an instance of :py:class:`~copr.client_v2.handlers.MockChrootHandle`. Mock chroots are represented by :py:class:`~copr.client_v2.resources.MockChroot` class. .. _mock-chroot-attributes: Mock chroot entity attributes ----------------------------- .. copied from frontend docs, don't forget to update ================== ==================== =============== Field Type Description ================== ==================== =============== name str chroot name os_release str name of distribution system, e.g.: epel, fedora os_version str version of distribution system, e.g.: 7, 22 arch str architecture of distribution, e.g.: i386, x86_64, ppc64le is_active bool defines if this chroot is available for builds ================== ==================== =============== .. note:: all following examples assume that we use ``cl`` as an instance of :py:class:`.client_v2.client.CoprClient` Get mock chroot list -------------------- .. sourcecode:: python >>> mlist = map(str, cl.mock_chroots.get_list(active_only=True)) >>> print("\n".join(map(str, mlist))) ... Get single mock chroot ---------------------- .. sourcecode:: python >>> mc = cl.mock_chroots.get_one("fedora-22-i386") >>> print(mc) >>> print(mc.name, mc.os_release, mc.os_version, mc.arch) (u'fedora-22-i386', u'fedora', u'22', u'i386')