Proxies ======= User interface is separated among multiple proxy classes such as ``ProjectProxy``, ``BuildProxy``, etc, which provide API operations on given resource. There are several methods available across majority (there are some corner cases where it wouldn't make sense) of proxies. Naturally, all methods (e.g. ``auth_check``) from ``BaseProxy`` are available everywhere. Moreover, proxies implement ``get`` method to get one specific object and ``get_list`` to get multiple objects that meet some criteria (e.g. all successful builds from a project). When it makes sense, proxies also implement an ``edit`` method that modifies an object. Exception for this is for example, a ``BuildProxy`` because it shouldn't be possible to change a build. Similarly, most of the proxies have a ``delete`` method except for e.g. ``BuildChrootProxy``. Base ---- .. autoclass:: copr.v3.proxies.BaseProxy :members: Project ------- .. autoclass:: copr.v3.proxies.project.ProjectProxy :members: Build ----- .. autoclass:: :members: Package ------- .. autoclass:: copr.v3.proxies.package.PackageProxy :members: Module ------ .. autoclass:: copr.v3.proxies.module.ModuleProxy :members: Monitor ------- .. autoclass:: copr.v3.proxies.monitor.MonitorProxy :members: Project Chroot -------------- .. autoclass:: copr.v3.proxies.project_chroot.ProjectChrootProxy :members: Build Chroot ------------ .. autoclass:: copr.v3.proxies.build_chroot.BuildChrootProxy :members: