Source code for copr.v3.proxies.project_chroot

from __future__ import absolute_import

import os
from . import BaseProxy
from ..requests import FileRequest, munchify, POST
from ..helpers import for_all_methods, bind_proxy

[docs] @for_all_methods(bind_proxy) class ProjectChrootProxy(BaseProxy):
[docs] def get(self, ownername, projectname, chrootname): """ Return a configuration of a chroot in a project :param str ownername: :param str projectname: :param str chrootname: :return: Munch """ endpoint = "/project-chroot" params = { "ownername": ownername, "projectname": projectname, "chrootname": chrootname, } response = self.request.send(endpoint=endpoint, params=params) return munchify(response)
[docs] def get_build_config(self, ownername, projectname, chrootname): """ Return a build configuration of a chroot in a project :param str ownername: :param str projectname: :param str chrootname: :return: Munch """ endpoint = "/project-chroot/build-config" params = { "ownername": ownername, "projectname": projectname, "chrootname": chrootname, } response = self.request.send(endpoint=endpoint, params=params) return munchify(response)
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
[docs] def edit(self, ownername, projectname, chrootname, additional_packages=None, additional_repos=None, additional_modules=None, comps=None, delete_comps=False, with_opts=None, without_opts=None, bootstrap=None, bootstrap_image=None, isolation=None, reset_fields=None): """ Edit a chroot configuration in a project :param str ownername: :param str projectname: :param str chrootname: :param list additional_packages: buildroot packages for the chroot :param list additional_repos: buildroot additional additional_repos :param list additional_modules: list of modules that will be enabled or disabled in the given chroot, e.g. ['module1:stream', '!module2:stream']. :param str comps: file path to the comps.xml file :param bool delete_comps: if True, current comps.xml will be removed :param list with_opts: Mock --with option :param list without_opts: Mock --without option :param str bootstrap: Allowed values 'on', 'off', 'image', 'default', 'untouched' (equivalent to None) :param str bootstrap_image: Implies 'bootstrap=image'. :param str isolation: Mock isolation feature setup. Possible values are 'default', 'simple', 'nspawn'. :param list reset_fields: list of chroot attributes, that should be reseted to their respective defaults. Possible values are `additional_packages`, `additional_modules`, `isolation`, etc. See the output of `ProjectProxy.get` for all the possible field names. :return: Munch """ endpoint = "/project-chroot/edit/{ownername}/{projectname}/{chrootname}" params = { "ownername": ownername, "projectname": projectname, "chrootname": chrootname, } if bootstrap_image: bootstrap = 'custom_image' data = { "additional_repos": additional_repos, "additional_packages": additional_packages, "additional_modules": additional_modules, "delete_comps": delete_comps, "with_opts": with_opts, "without_opts": without_opts, "bootstrap": bootstrap, "bootstrap_image": bootstrap_image, "isolation": isolation, "reset_fields": reset_fields, } files = {} if comps: comps_f = open(comps, "rb") files["upload_comps"] = (os.path.basename(, comps_f, "application/text") request = FileRequest( api_base_url=self.api_base_url, files=files, connection_attempts=self.config.get("connection_attempts", 1) ) response = request.send( endpoint=endpoint, method=POST, params=params, data=data, auth=self.auth, ) return munchify(response)