Source code for

from __future__ import absolute_import

import os
from . import BaseProxy
from ..requests import FileRequest, munchify, POST
from ..exceptions import CoprValidationException
from ..helpers import for_all_methods, bind_proxy

[docs] @for_all_methods(bind_proxy) class BuildProxy(BaseProxy):
[docs] def get(self, build_id): """ Return a build :param int build_id: :return: Munch """ endpoint = "/build/{0}".format(build_id) response = self.request.send(endpoint=endpoint) return munchify(response)
[docs] def get_source_chroot(self, build_id): """ Return a source build :param int build_id: :return: Munch """ endpoint = "/build/source-chroot/{0}".format(build_id) response = self.request.send(endpoint=endpoint) return munchify(response)
[docs] def get_source_build_config(self, build_id): """ Return a config for source build :param int build_id: :return: Munch """ endpoint = "/build/source-build-config/{0}".format(build_id) response = self.request.send(endpoint=endpoint) return munchify(response)
[docs] def get_built_packages(self, build_id): """ Return built packages (NEVRA dicts) for a given build :param int build_id: :return: Munch """ endpoint = "/build/built-packages/{0}".format(build_id) response = self.request.send(endpoint=endpoint) return munchify(response)
[docs] def get_list(self, ownername, projectname, packagename=None, status=None, pagination=None): """ Return a list of packages :param str ownername: :param str projectname: :param str packagename: :param str status: :param pagination: :return: Munch """ endpoint = "/build/list" params = { "ownername": ownername, "projectname": projectname, "packagename": packagename, "status": status, } params.update(pagination or {}) response = self.request.send(endpoint=endpoint, params=params) return munchify(response)
[docs] def cancel(self, build_id): """ Cancel a build :param int build_id: :return: Munch """ endpoint = "/build/cancel/{0}".format(build_id) response = self.request.send( endpoint=endpoint, method=POST, auth=self.auth) return munchify(response)
[docs] def create_from_urls(self, ownername, projectname, urls, buildopts=None, project_dirname=None): """ Create builds from a list of URLs :param str ownername: :param str projectname: :param list urls: :param buildopts: :param str project_dirname: :return: Munch """ endpoint = "/build/create/url" data = { "ownername": ownername, "projectname": projectname, "pkgs": urls, "project_dirname": project_dirname, } return self._create(endpoint, data, buildopts=buildopts)
[docs] def create_from_url(self, ownername, projectname, url, buildopts=None, project_dirname=None): """ Create a build from URL :param str ownername: :param str projectname: :param str url: :param buildopts: :param str project_dirname: :return: Munch """ if len(url.split()) > 1: raise CoprValidationException("This method doesn't allow submitting multiple URLs at once. " "Use `create_from_urls` instead.") return self.create_from_urls(ownername, projectname, [url], buildopts=buildopts, project_dirname=project_dirname)[0]
[docs] def create_from_file(self, ownername, projectname, path, buildopts=None, project_dirname=None): """ Create a build from local SRPM file :param str ownername: :param str projectname: :param str path: :param buildopts: :param str project_dirname: :return: Munch """ endpoint = "/build/create/upload" f = open(path, "rb") data = { "ownername": ownername, "projectname": projectname, "project_dirname": project_dirname, } files = { "pkgs": (os.path.basename(, f, "application/x-rpm"), } return self._create(endpoint, data, files=files, buildopts=buildopts)
[docs] def check_before_build(self, ownername, projectname, project_dirname=None, buildopts=None): """ Check if a build can be submitted (if the project exists, you have permissions, the chroot exists, etc). This is useful before trying to upload a large SRPM and failing to do so. :param str ownername: :param str projectname: :param str project_dirname: :param buildopts: :return: Munch """ endpoint = "/build/check-before-build" data = { "ownername": ownername, "projectname": projectname, "project_dirname": project_dirname, } del buildopts["progress_callback"] data.update(buildopts or {}) response = self.request.send( endpoint=endpoint, method=POST, data=data, auth=self.auth, ) return munchify(response)
[docs] def create_from_scm(self, ownername, projectname, clone_url, committish="", subdirectory="", spec="", scm_type="git", source_build_method="rpkg", buildopts=None, project_dirname=None): """ Create a build from SCM repository :param str ownername: :param str projectname: :param str clone_url: url to a project versioned by Git or SVN :param str committish: name of a branch, tag, or a git hash :param str subdirectory: path to a subdirectory with package content :param str spec: path to spec file, relative to 'subdirectory' :param str scm_type: :param str source_build_method: :param buildopts: :param str project_dirname: :return: Munch """ endpoint = "/build/create/scm" data = { "ownername": ownername, "projectname": projectname, "clone_url": clone_url, "committish": committish, "subdirectory": subdirectory, "spec": spec, "scm_type": scm_type, "source_build_method": source_build_method, "project_dirname": project_dirname, } return self._create(endpoint, data, buildopts=buildopts)
[docs] def create_from_distgit(self, ownername, projectname, packagename, committish=None, namespace=None, distgit=None, buildopts=None, project_dirname=None): """ Create a build from a DistGit repository :param str ownername: :param str projectname: :param str packagename: the DistGit package name to build :param str committish: name of a branch, tag, or a git hash :param str namespace: DistGit namespace, e.g. '@copr/copr' for the '@copr/copr/copr-cli' package :param str distgit: the DistGit instance name we build against, for example 'fedora'. Optional, and the default is deployment specific. :param buildopts: :param str project_dirname: :return: Munch """ endpoint = "/build/create/distgit" data = { "ownername": ownername, "projectname": projectname, "distgit": distgit, "namespace": namespace, "package_name": packagename, "committish": committish, "project_dirname": project_dirname, } return self._create(endpoint, data, buildopts=buildopts)
[docs] def create_from_pypi(self, ownername, projectname, pypi_package_name, pypi_package_version=None, spec_template='', python_versions=None, buildopts=None, project_dirname=None, spec_generator=None): """ Create a build from PyPI - :param str ownername: :param str projectname: :param str pypi_package_name: :param str pypi_package_version: PyPI package version (None means "latest") :param str spec_template: what pyp2rpm spec template to use :param list python_versions: list of python versions to build for :param buildopts: :param str project_dirname: :param str spec_generator: what tool should be used for spec generation :return: Munch """ endpoint = "/build/create/pypi" data = { "ownername": ownername, "projectname": projectname, "pypi_package_name": pypi_package_name, "pypi_package_version": pypi_package_version, "spec_generator": spec_generator, "spec_template": spec_template, "python_versions": python_versions or [3, 2], "project_dirname": project_dirname, } return self._create(endpoint, data, buildopts=buildopts)
[docs] def create_from_rubygems(self, ownername, projectname, gem_name, buildopts=None, project_dirname=None): """ Create a build from RubyGems - :param str ownername: :param str projectname: :param str gem_name: :param buildopts: :param str project_dirname: :return: Munch """ endpoint = "/build/create/rubygems" data = { "ownername": ownername, "projectname": projectname, "gem_name": gem_name, "project_dirname": project_dirname, } return self._create(endpoint, data, buildopts=buildopts)
[docs] def create_from_custom(self, ownername, projectname, script, script_chroot=None, script_builddeps=None, script_resultdir=None, script_repos=None, buildopts=None, project_dirname=None): """ Create a build from custom script. :param str ownername: :param str projectname: :param script: script to execute to generate sources :param script_chroot: [optional] what chroot to use to generate sources (defaults to fedora-latest-x86_64) :param script_builddeps: [optional] list of script's dependencies :param script_resultdir: [optional] where script generates results (relative to cwd) :parm script_repos: [optional] external repositories containing script's dependencies :param buildopts: :param str project_dirname: :return: Munch """ endpoint = "/build/create/custom" data = { "ownername": ownername, "projectname": projectname, "script": script, "chroot": script_chroot, "builddeps": script_builddeps, "resultdir": script_resultdir, "project_dirname": project_dirname, "repos": script_repos, } return self._create(endpoint, data, buildopts=buildopts)
def _create(self, endpoint, data, files=None, buildopts=None): data = data.copy() kwargs = {"api_base_url": self.api_base_url} if files and buildopts and "progress_callback" in buildopts: kwargs["progress_callback"] = buildopts["progress_callback"] del buildopts["progress_callback"] data.update(buildopts or {}) if not files: response = self.request.send( endpoint=endpoint, data=data, method=POST, auth=self.auth) else: kwargs["files"] = files kwargs["connection_attempts"] = self.config.get("connection_attempts", 1) request = FileRequest(**kwargs) response = request.send( endpoint=endpoint, data=data, method=POST, auth=self.auth) return munchify(response)
[docs] def delete(self, build_id): """ Delete a build :param int build_id: :return: Munch """ endpoint = "/build/delete/{0}".format(build_id) response = self.request.send( endpoint=endpoint, method=POST, auth=self.auth) return munchify(response)
[docs] def delete_list(self, build_ids): """ Delete multiple builds specified by a list of their ids. :param list[int] build_id: :return: Munch """ endpoint = "/build/delete/list" data = {"builds": build_ids} response = self.request.send( endpoint=endpoint, data=data, method=POST, auth=self.auth) return munchify(response)