Source code for copr.v3.exceptions

from munch import Munch

[docs] class CoprException(Exception): """ Base Copr exception """ def __init__(self, msg=None, response=None): super(CoprException, self).__init__(msg) msg = msg or "Unspecified error" self.result = Munch(error=msg, __response__=response)
[docs] class CoprRequestException(CoprException): """ Raised when the API request doesn't proceed successfully """ def __str__(self): errors = self.result.error.split("\n") # A list of errors signalizes a form validation error # If there is only one error in the list, just return its value if len(errors) == 1: return str(errors[0]) # Show one error per line result = "" for error in errors: result += "\n- {0}".format(error) return result
[docs] class CoprNoResultException(CoprException): """ Raised when no result data is returned """ pass
[docs] class CoprTimeoutException(CoprException): """ Raised when the API request timeouted """ pass
[docs] class CoprValidationException(CoprException): """ Raised when the data sent from client to API are not valid """ pass
[docs] class CoprNoConfigException(CoprException): """ Exception thrown when no config file is found We left this exception in our code because someone can still catch it """ pass
[docs] class CoprConfigException(CoprException): """ Exception thrown when the config file is incomplete or malformed. """ pass
[docs] class CoprAuthException(CoprException): """ Copr authentication failure """